Thursday, January 19, 2017

Kindergarten Philosophy

Hello! It's nice to be writing again - I missed blogging, but had a good excuse for my absence. I became a mom! My daughter is now five months old and keeping my husband and I very busy. It is now even more important to me to keep you in the loop as you navigate the admission process! 

When I returned to the office after maternity leave I was happy to see a new natural playground/classroom on our St. Stephen's & St. Agnes Lower School campus. I was also delighted to see our Kindergarten philosophy in our Kindergarten classrooms. I wanted to share it because I feel it is important to understand what a school believes in - especially in these early years. 

Kindergarten is a magical year in a child’s educational journey.  It bridges the knowledge and experiences of their younger years to the beginning stages of elementary school.  At St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School, we value every child and believe each child to be a capable and competent learner. Because we cherish the joy and wonder of this age, we provide opportunities for self-discovery through play and inquiry. Moreover, young children will learn how to intentionally bring themselves into their learning. We scaffold and intertwine cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional attributes into a developmentally appropriate and rigorous program. Our curriculum fosters their natural optimism, flexibility, persistence, resilience, and empathy. At St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School, we treasure all children and the unique gifts they bring to our community.

Next week I will review the admission deadlines, discuss our admission committee and provide some tips about what to do now.


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