Friday, August 24, 2018

Back to School Tips

I know what you are thinking. How is it already that time of year?

The AMAZING news is - the school year is an incredible opportunity for a fresh start for children. New teachers, new friendships, new knowledge - it's all wonderful. It can bring on some nerves too so here are my top five tips to navigate the start to the year.

1. Get on a This means waking up a little earlier and going to bed a bit sooner. It will help them with the early mornings. 

2. Have a large enough backpack for your child. We want to encourage students to be independent. If your child is cramming all their wonderful art projects, library books and lunch box into a teeny tiny backpack - they don't feel independent...they feel frustrated. 

3. Encourage empathy, kindness and the importance of following directions. Instead of, "who did you play with or what did you learn", ask "how were you kind today."

4. Don't over schedule the first few weeks. Let them decompress at the end of the school day. Your child will be tired. Picture that work event where you are making small talk with dozens of people. That's what your child is doing everyday - all day. 

5. Take lots of pictures and try to jot down some of the wonderful stories they share. It's a magical time. 

Happy New School Year to you and your family!


Originally from Grosse Pointe, Michigan, where she attended an independent school from preK-12th grade, Katherine Carbo earned a bachelor’s degree in business and a law degree before returning right back to the independent school world. With experience at four different schools from coast to coast, she writes insights and observations from the front line of independent school admissions.  Mrs. Carbo is the Director of Lower School Admission at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School in Alexandria, Virginia.  She may be reached at